The Hayward Fault: More

Image courtesy of USGS
There is far more information out there than we can put on these few pages. If you want to learn more about the Hayward fault and its affects on the Bay Area, here are some resources you may be interested in.
Field Trip Guides
- Stoffer, Philip W.,Where's the Hayward Fault? A Green Guide to the Fault, U.S. Geological Survey, 2008
- Graymer, Russell W.,A Geologic Excurion to the East San Francisco Bay Area (PDF), U.S. Geological Survey, 2001
- Sloan, Doris, & Wells, Donald, The Hayward Fault (PDF), Geological Society of America, 2006
General Information
- M6.8 October 21, 1868 Hayward Fault Earthquake - from the USGS
- Rademacher, Horst, Walking the Line: The Moving Story of the Hayward Fault,, 2008
- Berkeley Seismological Laboratory Outreach Program
Earthquake Scenarios
- U.S. Geological Survey, USGS Rolls Out Groundbreaking "HayWired" Earthquake Study, 2018
Earthquake Probability Studies
- Field, Jordan, et al, Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3), 2017
- Field, E.H., K.R. Milner, Forecasting California's Earthquakes-What Can We Expect in the Next 30 Years?, Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, 2008
- Brocher, T. et al., The Hayward Fault-Is It Due for a Repeat of the Powerful 1868 Earthquake?, U.S. Geological Survey, 2008
The Hayward Fault

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