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Moment Tensor References
Ford., S. R., W. R. Walter and D. S. Dreger, Event discrimination using regional moment
tensors with teleseismic-P constraints, Bull. Seism. Soc Am., 102, 867-872, doi:10.1785/0120110227, 2012.
Guilhem, A., and D. S. Dreger, Rapid detection and characterization of large earthquakes using
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Guilhem, A. and D. S. Dreger, Rapid detection and characterization of large earthquakes using quasi-finite
source Green's functions in continuous moment tensor inversion, Geophysical Research Letter, 38, L13318, doi:10.1029/2011GL047550, 2011.
Scognamiglio, L., E. Tinti, A. Michelini, D. Dreger, A. Cirella, M. Cocco, S. Mazza, and A. Piatanesi,
Fast Determination of Moment Tensors and Rupture History: What has been learned from the April 6, 2009,
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Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger, and W. R. Walter, Identifying isotropic events using
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Walter, F., J. F. Clinton, N. Deichmann, D. S. Dreger, S. E. Minson, M. Funk,
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Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99(2A), doi:10.1785/0120080110, 2009.
Ford, S.R., D.S. Dreger, and W.R. Walter, Identifying isotropic events
using a regional moment tensor inversion, J. Geophys. Res.,
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Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger, and W. R. Walter, Source Analysis of the Memorial Day Explosion, Kimchaek,
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Walter, F., D. S. Dreger, J. F. Clinton, N. Deichmann, M. Funk. Publications Evidence for near-horizontal tensile
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Walter, F., J. F. Clinton, N. Deichmann, D. S. Dreger, S. E. Minson, M. Funk. 2009. Moment tensor inversions of
icequakes on Gornergletscher, Switzerland. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99-2A, doi:10.1785/0120080110
Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger and W. R. Walter (2010). Network sensitivity solutions for regional moment tensor
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Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger and W. R. Walter (2009). Identifying isotropic events using a regional moment tensor
inversion, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B01306, doi:10.1029/2008JB005743.
Dreger, D. S., S. R. Ford, and W. R. Walter (2008). Source Analysis of the Crandall Canyon, Utah, Mine Collapse,
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Romanowicz, B., D. Dreger, M. Pasyanos, and R. Uhrhammer (1993). Monitoring of Strain Release in Central and
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Dreger, D. and B. Romanowicz (1994). Source Characteristics of Events in the San Francisco Bay Region, USGS
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Pasyanos, M.E., D.S. Dreger, and B. Romanowicz (1996), Toward Real-Time Estimation of Regional Moment Tensors,
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Dreger, D. and B. Savage (1998). Aftershocks of the 1952 Kern County, California, Earthquake Sequence, Bull.
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Fukuyama, E., M. Ishida, D. Dreger, and H. Kawai (1998), Automated Seismic Moment Tensor Determination by Using
On-line Broadband Seismic Waveforms, Zishin, 51, 149-156 (in Japanese with English abstract).
Dreger, D., R. Uhrhammer, M. Pasyanos, J. Franck, and B. Romanowicz (1998), Regional and Far-Regional Earthquake
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Fukuyama, E., and D. Dreger (2000). Performance test of an automated moment tensor determination system for the
future "Tokai" earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 52, 383-392.
Dreger, D. S., H. Tkalcic, and M. Johnston (2000). Dilational processes accompanying earthquakes in the Long
Valley Caldera, Science, 288, 122-125.
Dreger, D., and B. Woods, 2002, Regional distance seismic moment tensors of nuclear explosions, Tectonophysics,
vol.356, no.1-3, pp.139-156.
Tajima, F., C. Megnin, D. Dreger, B. Romanowicz (2002) Feasibility of real-time broadband waveform inversion for
simultaneous moment tensor and centroid location determination, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol.92, no.2, pp.739-750.
Gee, L., D. Neuhauser, D. Dreger, R. Uhrhammer, M. Pasyanos, and B. Romanowicz, 2003, The Rapid Earthquake Data
Integration Project, International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Volume 81B, p 1261-1273.
Dreger, D. S., 2003, TDMT_INV: Time Domain Seismic Moment Tensor INVersion, International Handbook of Earthquake and
Engineering Seismology, Volume 81B, p 1627.